Blessing Lopez has released a powerful and spiritually uplifting track titled “Elohim.” This song is a heartfelt expression of faith, celebrating the greatness of God with its moving lyrics and soulful melodies.
Download the MP3 of “Elohim” to experience its inspiring message and beautiful composition. It’s a perfect addition to any worship playlist and is sure to touch your heart.
Get the lyrics for “Elohim” and let the song guide your reflections and prayers.
Blessing Lopez – Elohim Lyrics
You’re the one who’s worthy to be praised
Jesus you alone is worthy to be praised
You’re the one who’s glory we behold
Jesus you’re one who’s praises we shall sing
Elohim- My creator
Elyon- Most high
Adonai- My Lord & master
Yaweh- i am that i am
Rapha- my healer
Shammah- my present help
Jireh- my Provider
Yaweh- i am that I am
Rapha- healer
Shammah- my present help
Yaweh – i am that i am